Wall Application Firewall (WAF)

Tecorp’s Wall Application Firewall (WAF) is an enterprise-grade WAF solution offering a complete web security platform with easy to use WAF dashboard, DDoS Protection, CDN accelerator and much more. A web application firewall is a specific form of application firewall that filters, monitors, and blocks HTTP traffic to and from a web service. Secure your Digital Assets with Tecorp’s WAF Solution.

Package Options Available:

  1. Advanced – $149.99/ Month Plus $39.00 per Additional Domain
  2. Advanced Plus – $299.00/ Month Plus $69.00 per Additional Domain
  3. Enterprise – Custom

To learn more Contact Product Specialist

Service Offering:

Starting from $150/Mo

  • DDoS Protection

  • SQL Injections Prevention

  • Cross Site Scripting (XSS)

  • Remote File Inclusions

  • Custom Security Rules

  • CDN & Accelerator

  • Analytics and logging

  • Bot mitigation

  • Behavioral Analysis

  • DevSecOps Integration

  • Single Tenant

  • Easy to Use

  • Layer 7 DDoS Protection

  • Unique Private Cloud

  • AI Machine Intelligence

  • 24/7 Support

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